Policies 2020
Diversity and Inclusion Policy (PDF Download) 214kb
Safeguarding Policy (PDF Download) 248kb
Safeguarding Policy Statement (PDF Download) 176kb
Whistleblowing Policy (PDF Download) 85kb
Photography and Filming of Children Policy (PDF Download) 132kb
Complaints Policy (PDF Download) 142kb
Flowchart Reporting a Concern Within Tennis (PDF Download) 65kb
GDPR Policy (PDF Download) 135kb
Health & Safety Policy (PDF Download) 128kb
WTC Membership T&Cs (PDF Download) 148kb
Court Booking Policy (PDF Download) 163kb
Additional information
The following links will provide any necessary information:
Adobe Acrobat
You will need to use Acrobat Reader in order to open, complete and/or print the membership form. It is free software that is probably already installed on your computer. If not it can be downloaded from https://get.adobe.com/reader/
Members Handbook
Download a copy of the Members Handbook for information about the club and the rules.
Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions of membership can be found here WTC Membership T&Cs (26 march 2021)
Need Help
For additional help please email membership@wolverleytennisclub.org